Overview(fastpages is already deprecated)
Fastpages is a nice tool to create your homepage written by jupyter notebooks via github pages. You can also make pages by using maekdown and word. However, it can not handle org-mode file. There is a method to use org-mode via fastpages in a blog, but it does not work for me. We soleve it in easy way.
Customize fastpages
Fastpages uses jekyll. Threfore, we use jekyll-org. The customization is easy: modify config.yml and gemfile.
Add a next line to config.yml:
- jekyll-org
Add a next line to Gemfile:
'jekyll-org', '>= 1.0.2' gem
We can configure front matter like bellow:
#+toc: true
#+layout: post
#+comments: true
#+categories: org-mode english
#+TITLE: post org-mode files via fastpages
#+description: A guide of posting org-mode files